
About Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that accesses universal life-force energy to bring balance and healing on an emotional, spiritual, and physical level. The laws of reiki do not conform to time and space, therefore sessions can occur in-person or remotely. In person sessions take place fully-clothed on a reiki table, for a remote session you will find your own quiet space and be ready and open to receiving energy. Reiki will always flow for the highest good, and where it is needed the most.

What to Expect

A Soulglow Reiki session will start with a conversation about how you are feeling and any specific intentions for the session, be it healing, manifesting, balancing, cord-cutting, stress reduction or just general energetic well-being. Your session will be custom-tailored based on this conversation, and will incorporate the use of crystals and various energy techniques. During the session we will test and balance your chakras and energy flow, and work to release any blocks or stagnant energy. You will most likely feel very relaxed, as we work on rejuvenating your energetic self. Following the treatment you will receive a personalized energy map to summarize the session and offer reflections. You will also be gifted a reiki-infused crystal, hand-selected based on your intentions and the outcome of your session.



“Following my Distance Reiki session with Angelina, I felt calm, balanced and a warmth in my heart. She explained what came up and what she was able to clear during the session, and it all resonated very deeply with where I currently am in life. The energy she shifted has already made certain relationships lighter, and I am able to see a clear path for additional growth within them. I am excited to book in another session soon.”

-Jessica, Byron Bay, Australia 

“I felt like I was in my happy place, floating in the ocean in Maui. After my session, I hadn’t felt that relaxed since… ever, actually.”

- Anna, Los Angeles, CA